Emo Is Love
Love is Emo
Love is Emo
Do you Agree ???

Without Love, We Feel Empty
The World just like Black and White

When You in Love
and facing some problems and conflicts between you and your partner
it make us feel sad and emo
don't you agree this ??

Love is something cannot be controlled
though we will think rationally for sometime
when it happened....
we just cannot avoid it
Love is something Unpredictable
that can give us so much surprise,
turned us down
How i hope that Love is free from doubt and problems
and never related with " Emo "
some other negative things
Love is in our hand
Go for what we really want
Once you miss it, the chance might never come to you anymore
Action before you regret
and treat ur loves one right ,
always but not sometimes
because when u lost ur loves one *touchwood*
everything is too late
when you try to make it right.
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p/s: i wish you all live in a happy r/ship with your loves one
nothing can stop us if we try our best to achieve it
**do not emo**
love is not just bettween boys and gals
love link us with people around us
there is hope where love exist
love urself, love ur family, friends and people around you
**night night**
-x- Shushiii -x-
nothing can stop us if we try our best to achieve it
**do not emo**
love is not just bettween boys and gals
love link us with people around us
there is hope where love exist
love urself, love ur family, friends and people around you
**night night**
-x- Shushiii -x-
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