OMG!!! i heard dat SPM result had released...bup bup bup bupbup heart beat pumping fast...
i feel myself like floating on a sky v question markssssss...goshhhhhh
i very curious n wanted to noe my result ASAP...
but i still working for L'Oreal in 1-U 's Guardian Pharmacy dat period...n da security uncle who work for Guardian suggest me to ask a boy about it-a boy who work for a slimming product just inside da Guardian as well..cuz he was same age v me as well. ^^
before i go home aft work..i decided to ask him rather than guessing...but feel abit "paiseh"...lolx

ehhemmm eheemm.....
"excuse me, izit SPM result released??" u noe how to it check thru sms??"
yeah..dats da 1st sentence i ask him... he stunt for awhile..
hmmm...i thinking.. "izit i'M dats scary??"
hahhha...after dat he did answer me...he don't know how to check it thru sms but he noe how to check it on9...he ask me nid his help or not..but..hmphh..i dun wan to giv stranger my ic n details k..
so i jus say.."its kay den..nvm..jus leave it..thx..."
after dat i just back home by my own as usual....
n dats how i get to noe my first love ...don't u feel it sounds so lame?? = ="
good morning ^^
i gt morning call fr my mom as usual, in case i cant wake for work ...
go to work as usual....hate da journey...since i taking federal transport from Setapak, i need to wake really early...
cuZ i nid to take bus ...den change lrt den change to bus again...its realli time consuming...around 2 -3 hours to get to work jokes.. n i work at thr for around 1 month ....
i'M not dat weak lahh... bcz i noe many ppl judge me fr my appearance..thinking dat im "大小姐“。。。don't know do housework and everything...if ur da 1 thinking dat..let me tell u dat ur wrong kay!!!
i'M independent enough ^___^ (salute myself) hahaaah
i get to noe new frens fr other brand/company at thr...i noe a gal name Samantha Sau...i wonder she still remember me... cz she currently study in same campus v me-UTAR Kampar,Perak..i remember she taking PR course..anyway i not dare to greet her even i saw her in erm...if she cant recognize me i will be very "fish" .. >.<
of course i noe boy who in charge to promote da slimming product-he wearing all black formal suits which make him look gRRzz grrRzZz -a lil bit fierce. but of course a bit smart lah..haha
when saw him..i jus simply giv a smile to him lah...if not later ppl say me no manners...
finally,i get to noe my result thru my dad did cal to my previous school n ask for it..thx daddy ^^
i remember i get few C for science subj and my Add Math....i realli dun wan to remeber da "C's"....who wan to remember da bad 1 lahh?? i rather have short term memory loss than remember my not-pretty-smooth result.
Btw,i jus can remember clearly dat i gt 3's A1, 1A2 and a B for's so miracle..i get A& B for subj dat i not realli study for it..and get C for subj dat i trying hard to und...nvm..its ady pass ...forget it forget it~~~
ooopss...too much to write..jus stop it here 1st ya~~
u guy can hav a good rest 1st aft read thru my craps for so long...thxxx for stop by~ muakss